Abstract: The aim of the paper is to focus on Important Aspect of the Diseases which is Effecting a Huge Amount of Population today i.e Alzheimers and building an Android application that could ease the everyday life of a person affected by Alzheimer’s disease. This app provides various functionalities such as tracking movements of the patient through GPS, providing medicine and food timing notifications, daily routine tracker and quiz/Games to increase cognitive functioning of the patient and Timely Alarm for to Provide a Reminder of the App. The main objective of this project is to make people suffering from Alzheimer’s as independent as possible. So this project is not only about creating an application but also address the problem of increased dependency of Alzheimer patients on caregivers and Helping them in a Techie Way as Each Person on Earth Owns a Mobile Phone Specially if you Consider India as India is Ranking Among Top Countries wherein its Population is Suffering from This Diseases.

Keywords: Android, Alzheimer’s, Location tracking GPS, Alarm Notifier, Popups.